Afraid adoption will take years and cost a fortune?

If you’re worried that adoption will be a long and expensive journey, you’re not alone. Many families who reach out to us share the same concerns. It’s true that private infant and international adoptions can be costly and time-consuming, but there’s a different path that has been incredibly successful for many of the families we work with: adopting from the public foster care system.

In the United States, about half of all adoptions each year come from the public foster care system. Every day, we receive calls from across the Commonwealth for children in need of immediate placement. Our approved foster homes often wait only a few months for a match, and sometimes placements happen within days of approval! We’re seeing many very young children, even newborns, in need of homes. Due to the high demand, we sometimes find ourselves with more children needing families than available homes.

Approved foster families pay minimal fees, and children placed with them are eligible for a daily per diem to help with care costs. When these children become eligible for adoption, costs are covered by public programs, and they may receive a stipend until they turn 18. Any fees incurred during the adoption process are often reimbursable through adoption subsidies, and there are additional tax benefits as well.

While all adoptions come with risks, foster-to-adopt is no exception. However, the need for foster adoptive families is urgent, and the chances of finding success through this program are high. Reach out to us today to learn more. We’re here to help you explore if foster-to-adopt is the right choice for you and your family.


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