Making Difficult Decisions: Can I Turn Down a Foster Care Child Referral?

Deciding to become a foster parent is a profound commitment to helping children in need. When starting this journey, it’s essential to be aware of the realities and complexities that come with opening your heart and home to a child from the foster care system.

One of the concerns you may have is whether it’s permissible to turn down a foster care child referral if it doesn’t feel like the right fit for your family.

Can you turn down foster care?


Understanding the Foster Care Placement Process

Before we delve into the question at hand, let’s first understand how foster care placements are made. When a child enters the foster care system, caseworkers diligently assess and match them with potential foster families. This is based on various factors, including the child’s needs, age, and compatibility with available homes.

The Foster Parent’s Rights and Responsibilities

As foster parents, you have the right to make an informed decision about the children you welcome into your home. The aim is to create a stable and nurturing environment where both the child and the family can thrive.

Recognizing that each family is unique, foster care agencies acknowledge that some referrals may not be the best fit for everyone.

Permissible to Decline a Referral

You absolutely have the right to turn down a foster care child referral if you genuinely believe it is not the right fit for your family.

Prioritizing the well-being and compatibility of your own family is your right. This applies regardless of sibling group size, age range, behavioral health, medical needs, or personal circumstances.

Being Honest and Open

When declining a referral, it is crucial to communicate your decision honestly and openly with the foster care agency or caseworker. Keep in mind that the agency’s primary concern is the welfare of the child, and they are committed to finding the best possible match.

By providing detailed reasons for your decision, you can help the agency gain a better understanding of your family’s needs and preferences, leading to more suitable future referrals.

Implications of Turning Down a Foster Care Referral

Foster care agencies work tirelessly to match children with appropriate families, but the availability of suitable resource homes for children in need can be challenging.  As a waiting resource family, it is important to understand the complex needs of children in foster care and the need for resource homes to be flexible and adaptable to meet these needs.

However, it is essential to remember that the ultimate goal is to ensure a successful, stable placement where both the child and the family can thrive.

While it is within your rights to decline a referral, it’s important to consider the potential implications of doing so. It may take longer to receive another referral that aligns with your preferences. This is especially if your preferences have shifted or are incompatible with the needs of children in care.

Our agency will work with you through this process so that a decision to turn down a referral is an opportunity for growth and future success in the matching process.




Deciding to become a foster parent is an extraordinary commitment that requires thoughtfulness, compassion, and self-awareness. While it is generally permissible to turn down a foster care child referral, it is important to approach this decision with sincerity and a genuine consideration for the child’s needs.

By maintaining open communication and trust with the foster care agency, you can work together to find the best match for your family.

For more information about becoming a foster parent, please call 717-412-0772 or complete our contact form.


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